The movie is a sequel to the 2014 film Chaar Sahibzaade, which depicted the sacrifices of the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh Ji during the Mughal-Sikh wars. The sequel follows Banda Singh Bahadur, a former ascetic who was blessed by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to lead the Sikh army against the oppressive Mughal regime. The movie shows how Banda Singh Bahadur transformed from a hermit to a hero, and how he fought bravely against the odds to establish righteousness and equality in Punjab.
The Epic Story of Banda Singh Bahadur and the Chaar Sahibzaade - Watch the Full Movie in HD
The movie is directed by Harry Baweja and produced by Pammi Baweja. It features the voice of Om Puri as the narrator. The movie is made with computer-generated imagery (CGI) and uses motion capture technology to create realistic animations. The movie also features some original songs composed by Jaidev Kumar and sung by various artists.
The movie is a remarkable achievement in Indian animation, as it showcases a high level of technical excellence and artistic creativity. The movie also succeeds in delivering a powerful message of faith, courage, and justice, while staying true to the historical facts and sources. The movie is a tribute to the legacy of Banda Singh Bahadur and the Chaar Sahibzaade, who are revered as heroes and martyrs by Sikhs and others alike.
The movie is available to watch online on various platforms, such as Eros Now, Google Play Movies, YouTube, and Jio Cinema. The movie is also available in different languages, such as Punjabi, Hindi, English, and Tamil. The movie has received positive reviews from critics and audiences, and has won several awards and nominations.
If you are looking for a movie that will inspire you with its story of heroism, faith, and sacrifice, then you should definitely watch Chaar Sahibzaade - Rise of Banda Singh Bahadur. It is a movie that will make you proud of your history and culture, and will also entertain you with its stunning visuals and music.
Sikh Warriors: Banda Singh Bahadur inspired and encouraged Sikh people to fight for their rights. He successfully converted Sikh into ultimate warriors who fought bravely against the Mughals. He also gave them a sense of identity and dignity by making them wear turbans and grow beards. He also introduced the Sikh coinage and calendar.
Raised a Huge Army: He was a great organiser and good general, he raised a huge army and gave tough fights to Mughal rulers. He recruited soldiers from different castes and backgrounds, and trained them in guerrilla warfare. He also equipped them with modern weapons and artillery. He conquered many forts and towns, such as Samana, Sirhind, Sadhaura, Chappar Chiri, etc.
True Servant: Banda Singh Bahadur was faithfully and true servant of Guru Gobind Singh. He followed his orders and teachings with utmost devotion and loyalty. He never claimed to be a Guru himself, but always considered himself as a humble disciple. He also respected other religions and did not force anyone to convert to Sikhism.
End of Zamindari System: Even in the short time for which Banda Singh Bahadur ran his administration, he carried out what, up to this day, is recognized as one of the best fiscal reforms. It has had a great influence on the subsequent history of Punjab. He abolished the Zamindari System of the Mughals, which exploited the peasants and farmers. He granted property rights to the tillers of the land, and abolished all taxes except a nominal land revenue. He also distributed the confiscated land among the poor and needy.
Justice for All: Banda Singh Bahadur established a rule of law and justice in Punjab. He punished the oppressors and tyrants who had committed atrocities against the Sikhs and other innocent people. He avenged the martyrdom of Guru Gobind Singhs four sons (Chaar Sahibzaade) by executing Wazir Khan, the governor of Sirhind, who had ordered their execution. He also freed thousands of Hindu women who had been enslaved by the Mughals.
Banda Singh Bahadur was a great hero of Sikh history, who sacrificed his life for the cause of freedom and justice. He is remembered and revered by Sikhs and others alike for his courage, faith, and sacrifice. 04f6b60f66
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